Do I need Planning Permission ?
Prior to your investing in Stables, check to see whether or not you need planning permission. ? Normally you do, even for a Field Shelter unless it is mobile. authentic designer sunglasses ,However, should you wish to put stables in your garden or replace existing stables these circumstances may be an exception. ? If you want to put your stables in your garden, the general rules are that the buildings must be? 5m away from the house and 1. 0m from the boundary of your garden. ? The stables should be for private and not commercial use. For full and detailed confirmation go to www. planningportal. gov. uk a government information site that will either answer all your questions or point you in the right direction.
Should you have stables already situated on your property and wish to replace them like for like with a newer building, you must take good location photographs before pulling down your old stables. ? This ensures that you have photographic evidence that stables once stood on the plot you wish to erect your replacement stables.
Nevertheless, you must contact your local planning office before you proceed. ? Inform them of the stable construction and that the layout will blend in with the surrounding area, your land will not deteriorate or decline with horses being kept on it and that your muckheap will be well hidden and not an environmental risk.
Inform your neighbours, they may worry about the noise and smell . ? Assure them that this will not be a problem to them. ? Investigate how you are going to dispose of your manure. ? You may have a local farmer who will remove it when required or alternatively invest in an on-site skip. ? Burning your manure, especially woodshaving etc smells awful, is environmentally poor and may even be illegal, so an alternative disposal needs to be carefully thought out.
A Solid Base
Unless you are converting existing buildings, pre-fabricated horse stables are the popular choice. If you can afford brick built stables, you may find it unlikely to get planning permission. discount designer sunglasses , ? Unfortunately too many people quickly converted them to annexes or granny flats. cheap designer sunglasses for women , ? Your local council may not look too kindly on such applications.