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I will cover this in more detail in another article, but for now I'll give this advice: it is best to consume a diet consisting of approximately 50-60% carbohydrate (mostly complex carbs.), 30-40% protein, and around 10% fat. Try to stay away from junk food, and drink plenty of water. To stay fully hydrated is very important to building muscle tissue - remember, muscle is 70% water. Protein sources should come from camiseta eslovaquia white and red meat, fish, eggs and other dairy produce. Good carb sources are rice, pasta, potatoes etc.

If you are also trying to lose body fat, you must eat in the camiseta españa above way, but you must also create a 'caloric deficit' i.e. take in slightly fewer calories than you burn up each day, while training, and keeping camiseta de barcelona you're protein intake high. In order to work out your maintenance caloric intake, i.e. the number of calories you need to take in each day to maintain weight, add up the calories from everything you have eaten in a seven day period, and divide by seven during a week in which you're weight has not changed.

