I remember a time when I was about five or six when birthdays were just the best day of the year. I would wait for months and months to have all my friends come pink polo shirts over for a big party with lots of junk food, videos and games. And of course there were the presents!
Skip about three decades since then and birthdays are probably now just about the most dreaded day of the year. I do not need a reminder that I am getting older. Every year though, my husband insists that we celebrate, together with friends and family around. Unfortunately, I just do not have that same excitement and anticipation I did when I was a kid. Even most of the gifts white polo shirts are more of a let down than anything else.
There are probably two reasons that I am always a bit disappointed when it comes to gifts on my birthday. Number one is that now that I am older, I can actually go out and buy myself whatever I feel I need or want. I am earning my white polo shirt own money, unlike when I was six and had to rely on my parents.? If there is a gorgeous new sweater I saw in the shops or that latest CD that just came out, I make sure I put money aside to buy it.
The second reason why birthdays are always an anticlimax is probably the biggest. For all my 34 years in existence one would think that my nearest and dearest know me well enough to buy me “the perfect birthday present”.?
I understand that coming up with an unusual gift idea is not so simple. So what makes the “perfect birthday present”?
- Remember, the best gifts do not have to be the most expensive
- Unique birthday gifts require time and thought
- Add an element of surprise to birthdays. It is always encouraging (and takes away from moping about your age)
- Incorporate presents that express one’s love and gratitude
- Choose a gift that can be cherished for years to come