
equipacion barcelona 2012

equipacion barcelona 2012,
("You know its just one small step from legacy to lame duck" - Bill Clinton)
President George Bush, Prime segunda camiseta barcelona Minister Ehud Olmert and President Mahmoud Abbas are clearing their desks as they equipacion barcelona 2012 prepare to vacate their positions of power and influence - now having virtually assumed caretaker roles as lame ducks until their replacements are known within the next few months - unless some really pressing emergency?appears in the meantime.
Their hoped for legacy - the creation of a new Arab State in the West Bank and Gaza - lies in tatters despite six years of intense diplomatic efforts by America, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia to bring President Bush's vision to reality.
Any expectation that such a State can ever emerge in the future by their successors continuing the current fatally flawed negotiations is pure fantasy and totally unattainable.
The main reason for this conclusion is the continuing sixty years old Arab demand calling for millions of former Arab residents and their descendants to be allowed to settle in Israel. It is the same hurdle that brought President Clinton's Camp David negotiations crashing to the ground in 2000.
This demand - if conceded by Israel - would spell the end of Israel equipación barcelona as a Jewish state. It has become so ingrained in the Arab psyche that no Arab leader or group - even Hamas - could agree to its reversal and hope to survive the Arab anger, condemnation and retribution that would inevitably follow.
Mayhem would occur worldwide if this loss of face - and about face - ever eventuated.
The responses in the Arab world to the Muhammad cartoons and the reaction that followed Pope Benedict denigrating Islam by quoting from an article written in 1391 by a Byzantine Emperor - Manuel 11 Paleologus - indicate the level - and intensity - of the violence that could be expected.
With this bleak- but not unexpected - outcome for President Bush's Roadmap, the question of what is to happen next in the West Bank is now beginning to exercise everyone's mind.
Veiled Arab threats to jettison the Palestinian Authority and move for a bi-national state is a "no brainer" and will be given short shrift by Israel.
Separation of Jews and Arabs living in the West Bank by dividing sovereignty in the West Bank between Jordan and Israel appears to be the only face saving option for the Arabs that has any chance of working.
Very few Jews or Arabs currently living in the West Bank would have to consider leaving their homes or businesses under such a proposal. Those that might be affected could be offered the alternatives of compensation to move or staying put and acquiring the citizenship of their domicile.
This solution could be achieved reasonably quickly by the relatively simple expedient of redrawing the border between Israel and Jordan. These two countries have enjoyed a signed sealed and delivered peace treaty since 1994 - something that has been impossible to achieve between Israel and the Palestinian Authority during the last 15 years.
This possible solution has long been resisted and viewed with great misapprehension by Jordan - which occupied the entire West Bank from 1948-1967 and only finally abandoned any claims to the area in 1988.

