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Home owners usually make worm tea? by adding a handful or two of earthworm castings to a 5 gallon bucket filled with sugar water and aerating the brew with a cheap oxygenator purchased at a store selling aquarium supplies.? After a few days the resultant worm tea may be added to the soil around potted plants or plants in the garden; however, it is more valuable when applied to the leaves of plants because it prevents the infestation of plant diseases like powdery mildew and black spot while providing nutrients to the plants.? This ultra cheap form or plant food is similar to expensive foliar fertilizers like VF11 in that it feeds the plant but it is more valuable to the organic farmer because, unlike VF11, it also prevents plant infestations with harmful microorganisms.
The most important thing to remember when applying worm tea is this.? It must be used within 24 hours of its manufacture.? In fact, the fresher the better!? The beneficial aerobic microorganisms require oxygen to survive, without it they die and the liquid worm tea? rapidly becomes anaerobic and, in so doing, becomes infested with toxic anaerobic microorganisms.? This, of course, is something you do not want to feed or apply to your plants.? The message here is this; you cannot bottle or keep worm tea for longer than 24 hours.? Commercial companies that sell bottled worm tea add an acid like phosphoric acid to the brew before they bottle it.? Acidification puts the beneficial microorganisms into a hibernation like state from which it takes them some time to wake up after being applied to the plants.? dior sunglass For this reason bottled forms of worm tea are not sunglasses armani effective when used as foliar spray to suppressing the growth of organisms like powdery mildew.? I also believe the bottled forms of worm tea are less effective form of organic fertilizer than freshly brewed tea when applied to the soil around house or dior sunglasses garden plants.? So, make your own worm tea.? It's the cheapest and safest way hottest sunglasses to go and your plants will love it!? Do something good?for our environment, composte your?kitchen waste and newspaper with earthworms.? Go Green!??